
蔡宗憲 教授兼任秘書室主任祕書


1. 博士,國立成功大學交通管理科學系 (2001/09~2006/06)
2. 碩士,國立成功大學交通管理科學系 (1999/09~2001/06)
3. 學士,逢甲大學交通工程與管理學系(1995/09~1999/06)

1. 國立金門大學觀光管理學系教授 (2018/08- )
2. 國立金門大學觀光管理學系副教授 (2014/08-2018/07 )
3. 國立金門大學觀光管理學系助理教授 (2010/08-2014/7)
4. 博士後研究員,國立成功大學交通管理科學系 (2010/1~2010/7)
5. 博士後研究員,美國康乃爾大學旅館學院 (2007/11~2009/11)


國科會104, 105, 106, 108, 109學年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才
The Best Paper Award, 2nd Annual Conference of the Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association, “Investigating transportation mode choice behaviors at a tourist destination with low-carbon images”, Portugal 。(2016)
The Best Paper Award for methodological development, 11th EASTS Conference, “A similarity-based self-evolutionary model for railway passenger arrival forecasting”, Vietnam。(2015)
斐陶斐(Phi Tau Phi)榮譽學會會員。(2006)

1. 指導本校張郁翎、黃瑋婷、魏佩怡、吳方瑀、劉亭參加2016創新創業與團隊企劃競賽榮獲創意點子獎(題目:Rebirth重生)
2. 指導本校觀光系黃靖嘉、呂翊嘉、黃瑋婷、蔡牧庭參加2015觀光菁英盃-全國遊程設計競賽暨國際觀摩會榮獲佳作(題目:烽火下的世外桃源) (2015/5/8)
3. 指導本校「Qber」團隊參加「看見金門-2015青年創造力論壇」簡報競賽(科技整合觀光資源)榮獲第一名(2015/12/5-12/6)

1. IATA國際航空票務從業人員認證(基礎級)
2. 財團法人光華管理策進基金會個案師資人才認證-高階師資
3. 前程文化旅行業資訊管理系統認證、電子商務系統認證
4. WSET英國葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會Advance認證

(A) 期刊論文
1-1 Tsai, T. H., and Chen, C. M., Mixed logit analysis of trade-off effects between international airline fares and fences: a revenue management perspective, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 22, No. 3, 265-275, 2019. (SSCI; MOST 103-2410-H-507- 005-)
1-2 Tsai, T. H., Homogeneous service with heterogeneous products: Relationships among airline ticket fares and purchase fences, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 55, pp. 164-175, 2016. (SSCI; MOST 103-2410-H-507- 005-)
1-3 魏健宏、蔡宗憲、施智婷,服務需求預測與旅客票種偏好關聯之研究─以某國道客運公司為例,運輸學刊,第二十六卷,第一期,頁89-116,2014。(TSSCI; NSC101-2410-H-006-108)
1-4 Tsai, T. H. and Wei, C. H., Fare discounts and purchase restrictions: Trade-off effects of intercity bus passengers in Taiwan, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 10, pp. 538-550, 2013. (NSC101-2410-H-006-108)
1-5 Lee, C-K. and Tsai, T-H., A Demand Responsive Pricing Method for the Product-line of Taiwan High Speed Rail, Transportation Research Record, No. 1863, pp. 1-8, 2004. (SCIE)

2-1 Tsai, T. H., Self-evolutionary sibling models to forecast railway daily arrivals using reservation data. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 96, pp. 103960, 2020. (SCIE; MOST 104-2628-E-507-001-MY2)
2-2 Tsai, T. H., A similarity-based self-evolutionary model for railway passenger arrival forecasting, Asian Transportation Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 140-158, 2016. (MOST 104-2628-E-507-001-MY2)
2-3 Tsai, T. H., A self-learning advanced booking model for railway arrival forecasting, Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 39, pp. 80-93, 2014. (SCI,E; NSC 100-2218-E-507-002)
2-4 Tsai, T. H., A Temporal Case Retrieval Model to Predict Railway Passenger Arrivals, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 8876-8882, 2009. (SCIE)
2-5 Tsai, T. H., Lee, C. K. and Wei, C. H., Neural Network Based Temporal Feature Models for Short-term Railway Passenger Demand Forecasting, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36, No, 2P2, pp. 3728-3736, 2009. (SCIE)
2-6 Tsai, T. H., Lee, C. K. and Wei, C. H., Design of Dynamic Neural Networks to Forecast Short-term Railway Passenger Demand, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 1651-1666, 2005. (NSC93-2211-E-006-052)
2-7 Tsai, T. H., Lee, C. K. and Wei, C. H., An Artificial Neural Networks Approach to Forecast Short-term Railway Passenger Demand, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 221-235, 2003. (NSC91-2211-E006-116)
2-8 蔡宗憲、李治綱,應用預售資料建構銷售額預測模式:以運輸服務為例,國立金門大學學報,第三期,頁83-104,2013。
2-9 蔡宗憲、李治綱,一個混合時間序列法與指數平滑法的預測流程:列車旅運需求預測之應用,運輸學刊,第二十四卷,第一期,頁95-112,2012。(TSSCI)
2-10 蔡宗憲、魏健宏,類神經網路於時間數列預測之發展趨勢回顧與展望,國防管理學報,第三十卷,第二期,頁33-47,2009。
2-11 蔡宗憲、李治綱、游智元,模式更新與資料轉換對時間序列方法於短期列車旅運需求預測之影響,運輸學刊,第二十卷,第二期,頁177-200,2008。(TSSCI)
2-12 蔡宗憲、李治綱、魏健宏,短期列車旅運需求之類神經網路預測模式建構與評估,運輸計劃季刊,第三十五卷,第四期,頁475-506,2006。 (TSSCI)

3-1 Tsai, T. H., and Chen, C. M., An integrated approach to evaluate effective service innovations for thematic guesthouses, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Vol. 54, pp. 329-335, 2023. (SSCI; MOST 106-2410-H-507-007)
3-2 Tsai, T. H., and Chen, C. M., An ex-ante evaluation of marketing policies to improve itinerary service, Current Issues in Tourism, Accepted for publication, 2020/7/26. (SSCI; MOST 106-2410-H-507-007)
3-3 Tsai, T. H., Heterogeneous utilizations of homogeneous tourism resources: the application of gamification, Journal of Global Tourism Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 21-24, 2020. (MOST 106-2410-H-507-007)
3-4 Tsai, T. H., and Chen, C. M., Evaluating tourists’ preferences of service content in thematic itineraries: Holy folklore statue in Kinmen, Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 30, pp. 208-219, 2019. (SSCI; MOST 106-2410-H-507-007)
3-5Chen, C. M., and Tsai, T. H. (corresponding author), Tourist motivations in relation to a battlefield: A case study of Kinmen, Tourism Geographies, Vol 21, No. 1, pp. 78-101, 2019. (SSCI; MOST 104-2410-H-507-007)
3-6 Tsai, T. H., and Chen, C. M., Research Note: Exploring preferences for liquor souvenirs at a tourist destination, Tourism Economics, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 189-199, 2016. (SSCI; NSC 101-2410-H-507-006)
3-7 Chen, C. M., Chen, S. H., Lee, H. T., and Tsai, T. H. (corresponding author), Exploring destination resources and competitiveness-A comparative analysis of tourists’ perceptions and satisfaction toward an island of Taiwan. Ocean & Coastal Management, Vol. 119, pp. 58-67, 2016. (SCIE; MOST 103-2410-H-507-010)
3-8 陳建民、蔡宗憲(通訊作者)、李珮榕,遊客需求導向之觀光酒廠遊程服務設計,觀光休閒學報,第二十二卷,第二期,頁183-212,2016。(TSSCI; NSC 101-2410-H-507-006-)
3-9 Chen, C. M., Chen, S. H., Lee, H. T., and Tsai, T. H. (corresponding author), The police service quality in rural Taiwan: A comparative analysis of perceptions and satisfaction between police staff and citizens, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 521-542, 2014. (SSCI)

4-1 Tsai, T. H., Heterogeneous analysis of transportation mode choice at a green tourist destination¸ Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 12, pp. 904-921, 2017. (MOST 103-2815-C-507-003-H)
4-2 蔡宗憲、許雅玲,低碳觀光目的地運具選擇偏好行為之研究,運輸學刊,第二十八卷,第三期,頁335-368,2016。(TSSCI; MOST 103-2815-C-507-003-H)
4-3 Tsai, T. H., Wei, C. H. and Tsai, C-Y., Investigating parental intention of using internet filter software, Quality & Quantity, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 75-89, 2014. (SSCI)

(B) 專書及專書文章
1. Chen, C. M. and Tsai, T. H., Crime and Punishment in Taiwan, In Wesley G. Jennings (eds.), The Wiley Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (p.1-5), Wiley, USA, 2014.
2. Tsai, T. H., A Temporal Case-Based Procedure for Cancellation Forecasting: A Case Study, In A. M. Leeland: Case-Based Reasoning: Processes, Suitability and Applications, pp. 77-93, Nova Publishers, 2010. (ISBN: 978-1-61728-352-9)
3. Tsai, T. H., Lee, C. K, and Wei, C. H., Short-term Railway Passenger Demand Forecasting: Artificial Neural Networks Approaches, VDM-Verlag Dr. M ller Akiengesellschaft &Co. KG, U.S.A., 2009. (ISBN:978-3-639-16149-6)
4. Tsai, T. H. and Kimes, S. E., A Time Series Case Based Predicting Model for Reservation Forecasting, In Chien and Hong (eds.): Opportunities and Challenges for Next Generation Applied Intelligence, pp. 53-58, Springer-Verlag, 2009. (ISBN:978-3-540-92814-0)

(C) 科技部專題學術研究計畫
1. 計劃主持人,為維永續性下島嶼觀光目的地運輸管制與激勵措施之研析,科技部專題研究計畫(MOST 111-2410-H-507-012 ),2022/8/1~2023/7/31 (521,000元)
2. 計劃主持人,預先訂位模式選擇課題於短期旅運量預測之探究,科技部專題研究計畫(MOST 109-2221-E-507-001),2020/8/1~2021/7/31 (512,000元)
3. 計劃主持人,航空公司機位超賣所致自願放棄登機時補償政策之研析,科技部專題研究計畫(MOST 108-2221-E-507-001),2019/8/1~2020/7/31 (485,000元)。
4. 計劃主持人,需求導向式觀光服務設計:閩南主題遊程與古厝民宿選擇之實證研究,科技部專題研究計畫(MOST 106-2410-H-507-007),2017/8/1~2018/7/31(583,000元)。
5. 計劃主持人,以相似樣本為基礎的自演化旅運量預測集合模式,科技部優秀年輕學者專題研究計畫(MOST 104-2628-E-507-001-MY2),2015/8/1~2017/7/31(1,008,000元)。
6. 計畫主持人,營收管理觀點下航空票價之結構設計,科技部專題研究計畫(MOST 103-2410-H-507-005-),2014/8/1~2015/7/31(536,000元)。
7. 計畫主持人,一個以GA-CBR為基礎的旅運量預測模式,國科會專題研究計畫(NSC102-2221-E-507-005),2013/8/1~2014/7/31(379,000元)。
8. 計畫主持人,整合Case-based reasoning與時間特性的期望銷售曲線預測模式,國科會專題研究計畫(NSC 100-2218-E-507-002),2011/12/1~2012/10/31 (274,000元)。

(D) 科技部大專生專題研究計畫
1. 郭思愉,相似樣本模式於旅館抵店賓客數預測之應用,科技部大專生專題研究計畫(104-2815-C-507-001-H) ,2015/7/1~2016/2/28(48,000元)。
2. 許雅玲,永續低碳島運輸策略之研析:兼論觀光之影響,科技部大專生專題研究計畫(103-2815-C-507-003-H),2014/7/1~2015/2/28(47,000元)。
3. 林麗娟,房價與入住期間總計變數對於旅館每日住房需求預測績效之影響,國科會大專生專題研究計畫(101-2815-C-507-002-H),2012/7/1~2013/2/28(47,000元)。